ISSN: 2306-5737E-ISSN: 2658-4069
Acta Linguistica Petropolitana
Transactions of the Institute for Linguistic Studies
ISSN: 2306-5737E-ISSN: 2658-4069
Acta Linguistica Petropolitana
Transactions of the Institute for Linguistic Studies 

Types of the Finno-Ugric substrate in Perm Krai (based on the appellative vocabulary of Russian dialects): Preliminary observations

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Gaydamashko R. V. Tipy finno-ugorskogo substrata v Permskom kraye (na materiale apellyativnoy leksiki russkikh govorov): predvaritelnyye nablyudeniya. Acta Linguistica Petropolitana. 2024. 20(2): 11–82.

The article presents an attempt to accomplish identification, localization and temporal stratification of the types of the Finno-Ugric language substrate in Perm Krai based on the appellative vocabulary of Russian dialects.

In its introductory paragraphs, the article describes the object of the study, the materials, sources, and methods used, its geographical scope and the principles of data presentation.

The main body of the article is a summary of the substrate Finno-Ugric appellative vocabulary found in the Russian dialects of Perm Krai — approximately 120 words grouped into 63 lexical nests with mostly precise geographic reference. The closest correspondences of this vocabulary found in living or extinct Finno-Ugric idioms (based on the published dictionaries and linguistic studies) are indicated. The article also provides the necessary references to the relevant established etymological developments or proposes the author’s own etymological solutions.

In the conclusion, the article identifies the types of the Finno-Ugric linguistic substrate existing in Perm Krai for Komi and Mansi. Within the studied region, the Komi substrate type covers three areas, with two of these, conventionally designated as “Northern Permyak” and “Southern Permyak”, separated by sections of three dis tricts located in between: the western part of the Solikamsky, the northern part of the Yusvinsky and the southern part of the Usolsky districts. This distribution may point to the existence of a former “vibration zone” between the northern and the southern dialects of the Komi-Permyak language. The third area exists as an “island” located in the Yurlinsky district. The Mansi substrate type is divided into three areas conventionally designated as the northern or “Vishersky” area, the central or “Yaivinsky-Kosvinsky” area, and the southern or “Chusovskoy” area, named after the four main left side tributaries of the Kama River.

These areas are outlined on the map of the Northern Kama region and compared with the known historical and linguistic data. A separate section preceding the final remarks outlines the intersection areas of the isoglosses of these types.

language contacts, language substrate, Western Urals, Northern Kama region, Perm Krai, Russian dialects, appellative vocabulary, Finno-Ugric languages, Komi languages, Mansi language
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language contacts, language substrate, Western Urals, Northern Kama region, Perm Krai, Russian dialects, appellative vocabulary, Finno-Ugric languages, Komi languages, Mansi language
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