ISSN: 2306-5737E-ISSN: 2658-4069
Acta Linguistica Petropolitana
Transactions of the Institute for Linguistic Studies
ISSN: 2306-5737E-ISSN: 2658-4069
Acta Linguistica Petropolitana
Transactions of the Institute for Linguistic Studies 

Lexical typological approach to prefix derivatives: verbs of falling with the prefixes *o-/ob- in Russian, Serbian and Slovenian

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Ryzhova D. A., Kuleshova M. L. Leksiko-tipologicheskiy podkhod k analizu pristavochnykh derivatov: glagoly padeniya s pristavkami *o-/ob- v russkom, serbskom i slovenskom yazykakh. Acta Linguistica Petropolitana. 2020. XVI(1): 299–343.

The paper presents a novel approach to a typologically oriented semantic analysis of Slavic prefixes exemplified with the data of Russian, Serbian and Slovenian verbs of falling with the prefixes *o-/ob-. Based on dictionary and corpus data supplemented by native speakers surveys we scrutinize distributional properties of the verbs of falling with the prefixes *o-/ob- and form a list of their meanings expressed in different contexts.

We show that Russian and Serbian cognates cover one and the same conceptual space, but the verbs partition it in different ways, i.e. the differences between Russian and Serbian within this semantic domain are mostly due to semantic properties of the verbal roots, while the prefixes exhibit a similar linguistic behavior. In Serbian, unlike Russian, the root ‑val- is not used in the domain of falling, and the Serbian root -pad- covers almost all the situations, in which -syp- is used in Russian. Thus, cognates are not semantically equivalent to each other, for instance, the Serbian verb osuti se corresponds to Russian verbs obsypat’sya and obrushit’sya rather than to its direct cognate osypat’sya. In Slovenian, the system of the verbal roots with the meaning of falling is very close to the Serbian one (the root -val- is not present, -pad- is used broader), while the semantics of the prefixes changes: the prefixes od-, z- and u- drive out o-/ob- in different subzones of the conceptual space.

We visualize these tendencies with a semantic map, which allows to map both roots and prefixes without any violation of the Semantic Map Connectivity Hypothesis (every linguistic means covers a connected region on a map). We also demonstrate that the verbs covering the same points on the map, and not the cognates as one could expect, develop the same metaphoric extensions. For example, the metaphor of the decrease («Less is Down») is conveyed by the Serbian verb opasti and the Slovenian verb upasti, which both denote literal level recession.

Slavic prefixes, prefixes *o‑/ob‑, verbs of falling, semantic map, Russian, Slovenian, Serbian
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Slavic prefixes, prefixes *o‑/ob‑, verbs of falling, semantic map, Russian, Slovenian, Serbian
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