ISSN: 2306-5737E-ISSN: 2658-4069
Acta Linguistica Petropolitana
Transactions of the Institute for Linguistic Studies
ISSN: 2306-5737E-ISSN: 2658-4069
Acta Linguistica Petropolitana
Transactions of the Institute for Linguistic Studies 

Geographical approaches to the study of hydronymy: Potamonyms of Southeastern Lake Onega Region in comparison with adjacent areas

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Sobolev A. I. Geograficheskiye podkhody k izucheniyu gidronimii: potamonimy Yugo-Vostochnogo Obonezhya v sopostavlenii so smezhnymi arealami. Acta Linguistica Petropolitana. 2024. 20(2): 252–294.

The article continues the search for exact etymologies of toponyms, in this case confirmed by geographical realities [Sobolev 2020]. The subject of consideration is the substrate potamonyms (names of watercourses) of the Southeastern Lake Onega Region (north of the Vytegra district of the Vologda Region and south of the Pudozh district of the Republic of Karelia), ending in -ega and -oy / -ey, which go back to the Baltic-Finnish originals in -jogi ‘river’ and -oja ‘stream’. The determinant -ega in the toponyms of the subregion correlates with a Veps type source. The presence of topographic bases not only of the Veps, but also of the Karelian type (Galent-, Novz-, Sharzh-) makes it possible to correlate the determinants in the study area not only with Veps, but also with Karelian material. The combination of microregional and regional approaches made it possible to identify territories in which, judging by the substrate microtoponymy in -oya / -uy (variants of -oy / -ey ), there was a significant Baltic-Finnish population (Pinega and Mezen basin). Massive cases of tracing of toponyms (Kivoja / Kivruchey / Kamenny ruchey, in Veps kivi ‘stone’, oja ‘brook’, in Russian kamenny ‘stonу’, ruchey ‘brook’) are noted in the Oyat River basin — in the zone of living and recent Veps-Russian bilingualism. Signs of the relatively recent (late 18th–19th centuries) use of the Veps or Karelian languages are evident in the southern and Southeastern Lake Onega Region. In turn, place names in -ega / -oga are unique markers of early migrations from the Baltic Sea basin to the White Sea basin. The routes (in the case of Pinega, the end point) of the early eastern Baltic-Finnish routes to Zavolochye are marked with the following macrohydronyms: Onega (*Eneg < *Enäjogi ‘big river’) and Pinega (*P(i)en’/eg < *Pieni/jogi ‘small river’). At the same time, individual toponyms on -ega / -oga can ascend PF toponyms on -eh / -eg, not associated with jogi ‘river’ (Ladoga < *Alodeh ‘lowland’).

Veps language, Karelian language, toponymy, language contacts, ethnic history, language substratum, etymology, Vologda Region, Karelia
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Veps language, Karelian language, toponymy, language contacts, ethnic history, language substratum, etymology, Vologda Region, Karelia
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