Oskolskaya S. A., Stoynova N. M. Raznyye
strategii adaptatsii russkikh glagolov v dvukh blizkorodstvennykh
yazykakh: nanayskiy i ulchskiy. Acta Linguistica
Petropolitana. 2024. 20(2): 208–251.
The paper deals with the strategies of morphological
accommodation of Russian verbs in two closely related Tungusic
languages, Nanai and Ulcha. The study is based on examples taken
from Nanai and Ulcha texts recorded in the 1970–2010s by various
scholars. The data show that Nanai and Ulcha display a significant
difference in the loan verb accommodation strategies. Nanai employs
the so-called “indirect insertion” as a main strategy whereby a
Russian verbal stem first takes a specific verbalizing affix and
then the derived stem takes Nanai inflectional markers, whereas
Ulcha prefers direct insertion, with Russian verbal stems taking
Ulcha inflection without any additional marking. In addition, Nanai
and Ulcha use different input forms of the Russian verbs to be
accommodated. The languages also differ in the way they accommodate
Russian reflexive verbs.
There seem to be two main factors behind such a great difference
between Nanai and Ulcha, two closely related, both genealogically
and grammatically, languages. One factor is areal, since Ulcha
follows the accommodation strategy characteristic of some other
neighboring Tungusic languages such as Negidal or Uilta (Orok). The
other factor is morphophonological: the attested difference in the
accommodation of Russian verbs in both languages accords with the
difference in the morphophonological processes taking place on
morpheme borders. Morpheme borders in Nanai are fairly clear-cut.
This can prevent direct insertion of Russian stems that
phonologically differ from typical Nanai stems. The use of Nanai
verbalizers helps accommodate Russian stems to the Nanai grammar,
since the verbalizers can attach to any vowel-ending stem
(including Russian past-tense stems). Morpheme borders in Ulcha are
fuzzy: this opens a way to accommodating any type of Russian stems
to the Ulcha grammar. That is why Ulcha, in contrast to Nanai,
seems to have no restrictions on the direct insertion strategy.
Nanai language, Ulcha language, verbal
borrowings, language contacts
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