Perekhvalskaya Ye. V. Yazykovoy sdvig i
grammatika: padezhi v udegeyskom yazyke. Acta Linguistica
Petropolitana. 2024. 20(2): 168–207.
The article presents a comparative analysis of case use in two
diachronic varieties of the Udihe language: in the traditional
Udihe before it had experienced significant influence of the
dominant Russian language, and in modern Udihe which has gone
through all stages of language shift from attrition to an almost
complete loss of the language.
The first section considers in detail the functions of cases in
the traditional Udihe. An attempt is made to identify the invariant
meaning for most of the cases, and an over view of the types of
original case meaning expansion is provided. Particular attention
is paid to the distinction between the three Udihe cases that
express closely related spatial meanings (the Directive, Locative
and Dative cases).
In the second section, the use of cases in modern Udihe variants
is considered. Written texts, including translations from Russian,
are analysed. It is shown that in modern Udihe the traditional
Udihe cases have been brought into line with Russian cases or, in
separate instances, with a specific function of a particular case.
The result is that the use of cases in modern Udihe largely copies
the use of cases in Russian.
The analysis was conducted on the basis of a representative
Udihe corpus of over 53 000 words. The bulk of the corpus were
texts recorded in the 1920s–1960s that provided a snapshot of the
traditional Udihe.
The article addresses the functions of grammatical cases in
Udihe and identifies what specific cases are most frequently found
with certain verbs. At the next stage, the study compares the use
of cases in the traditional vs. modern Udihe, taking into account
that the latter has experienced strong Russian influence. It is
shown that the modern Udihe differs significantly from its old
version as documented in the 1920s–1960s, with the differences
pervading all linguistic levels from grammar to lexical
Udihe, Language contact, case system,
functions of cases, language shift
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