Budennaya Ye. V. Osobennosti
upotrebleniya subyektnykh mestoimeniy v ingermanlandskom finskom
yazyke. Acta Linguistica Petropolitana. 2024. 20(2):
The article addresses the issue of use/omission of subject
pronouns in Ingrian Finnish. The data comes from prose fiction by
V. Valjakka and P. Mutanen, previously not used for any linguistic
analysis, and from oral narratives recorded under the supervision
of Irma Mullonen. Both fiction and oral narratives come from two
different dialectal areas of Ingrian Finnish, the East and the West
of the Gatchina District, respectively. The study relied on corpus
analysis whereby fiction and oral narrative texts were compared to
each other and to the dialects they come from.
The study revealed the following characteristic features of the
Ingrian Finnish subject reference. First, subject pronouns in
Ingrian Finnish tend to be explicitly ex pressed in all persons,
which distinguishes it from Standard Finnish where the 1st and 2nd
person subject pronouns are usually omitted. At the same time, the
Ingrian Finnish pattern differs from Russian, where pronouns are
omitted much less frequently. Some pronominal features of Ingrian
Finnish, such as the omission of the 3rd person pronouns in
independent foreground narrative clauses may result from contacts
with Russian. Second, a set of Ingrian Finnish verbs of speech and
thinking are mostly used without an additional subject pronoun,
which distinguishes the Ingrian Finnish situation from Russian,
where the pronoun is usually expressed in such contexts. Third,
while in past clauses of Ingrian Finnish oral narratives the 1st
and 2nd person subject pronouns are usually expressed, in fiction
prose they tend to be omitted. This difference can be explained
both by the general pragmatics of the recording (pronouns were used
as a marker of politeness, necessary for correct interaction
between the speaker and the listener) and by its design (unlike in
fiction examples, language consultants used longer clauses to
provide more detail).
Ingrian Finnish, subject pronoun, personal
pronoun, pronoun omission, East Gatchina dialect, West Gatchina
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