ISSN: 2306-5737E-ISSN: 2658-4069
Acta Linguistica Petropolitana
Transactions of the Institute for Linguistic Studies
ISSN: 2306-5737E-ISSN: 2658-4069
Acta Linguistica Petropolitana
Transactions of the Institute for Linguistic Studies 

On the relationship between grammaticalization of a subordinator and integration of a clause: A case study of Russian clauses of temporal subsequence

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Pekelis O. Ye. O svyazi mezhdu grammatikalizatsiyey soyuza i integratsiyey klauzy (na primere russkikh soyuzov sledovaniya). Acta Linguistica Petropolitana. 2024. 20(1): 187–226.

This paper investigates Russian clauses of temporal subsequence, introduced by the subordinators prežde čem, ran’še čem, pered tem kak, and do togo kak, in terms of their syntactic integration with the host clause. Based on Russian National Corpus data, the paper verifies the hypothesis that there exists a correlation between the degree of integration and the degree of grammaticalization: the less an adverbial subordinator is grammaticalized, the stronger is its integration with the host clause. To test this hypothesis, the above subordinators were compared by the degree of their grammaticalization. The three criteria of grammaticalization selected were the frequency of the so-called split usage of the subordinators, the frequency of their uses with non-predicative constituents, and their ability to take modifiers. The degree of integration was tested based on the well-known distinction between central, peripheral, and non-integrated adverbial clauses, as well as on the formal traits associated with each type. The resulting two grammaticalization and integration scales show that the subordinators are arranged in them in the reverse order with respect to each other. Even a cursory glance at the three other semantic classes of adverbial (conditional, causal, and concessive) clauses, as well as at the discourse markers deriving from the adverbial subordinators, suggests the existence of an inverse relationship between the degree of grammaticalization and the degree of integration. This relationship appears thus to represent a more general tendency characterizing the movement of a linguistic item along the scale vocabulary > grammar > discourse. Along the way, the study demonstrates that Russian clauses of temporal subsequence may show both the minimum and the maximum degree of integration. This runs contrary to the generally accepted view that temporal clauses are associated with a high degree of integration.

adverbial clause, temporal clause, Russian, grammaticalization, subordination, discourse marker, corpus studies
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adverbial clause, temporal clause, Russian, grammaticalization, subordination, discourse marker, corpus studies
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