Kazakovskaya V. V. Ot pervogo litsa:
mestoimenno-glagolnyye vyskazyvaniya v russkoy detskoy rechi.
Acta Linguistica Petropolitana. 2024. 20(1): 98–142.
Based on the data of three longitudinal corpora of child speech
focusing on typically developing Russian-speaking children
(1;8–3;0), the study addresses the acquisition of the 1st person
pronoun forms in the Nominative case in combination with verbs
belonging to the grammatical center of personality. Spontaneous
speech data were transcribed and morphologically coded according to
CHILDES [MacWhinney 2000]. The analysis also accommodates Gvozdev’s
diary observations on the grammatical structure formation in his
son’s speech [1949, 1990].
For the first time, the development of the subject-predicate
agreement mechanism is juxtaposed with the formation of the
propositional relationship, whose means of expression are
interpreted as the language of the Theory of Mind (ToM),
that is mental state language. Its initial representatives in child
speech are egocentric elements with epistemic semantics in the
natural dialogue, such as navernoe ‘probably’, mozhet
byt’ ‘maybe’, konechno ‘of course’,
deystvitel’no ‘really’ used with respect to the speaker
(the 1st person).
The conditions triggering the grammatical processes under study
are identified. Thus, the trigger for the pronoun-verb agreement is
the verb spurt while the use of epistemic markers seems to be
impossible without successful first-person agreement, and it is at
this stage that they appear sporadically in children’s speech.
Later, epistemic markers, being a reduced version of the mental
modus, come to be used along with their unreduced/full variants,
such as Ya dumayu / (ne) znayu / boyus, chto (P) ‘I think
/ (don’t) know / am afraid that (P)’. In its turn, the use of the
first person verb utterances in the frame position becomes a
prerequisite for the subsequent placement of you- and
(s)he-subjects of the propositional evaluation into it.
Their use signals the children’s ability not only to separate their
own point of view from that of the Other, but also to put
themselves into their own mental world.
The general and individual aspects of the acquisition of first
person verb utterances occupying different syntactic positions are
discussed. In particular, despite the similar frequency of the
expression of temporal and communicative features of the
proposition, the frequency of its modal vs. modus characteristics
varies significantly. The obtained results correspond to the
cognitive psychology conclusions on the different levels of ToM.
Also, they are consistent with the analyses of mental state
language in children’s written argumentative texts which showed a
correlation between the frequency of the use of mental state
language and the child’s academic success.
language acquisition, child speech, personal
pronouns, verb-based utterances, the 1st person, agreement,
propositional attitude, egocentric elements, epistemic markers,
modus, mental verbs, theory of mind, mental state language
About the author
Victoria͏ V.
Institute for Linguistic Studies, Russian
Academy of Sciences (St. Petersburg; Russia)
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