ISSN: 2306-5737E-ISSN: 2658-4069
Acta Linguistica Petropolitana
Transactions of the Institute for Linguistic Studies
ISSN: 2306-5737E-ISSN: 2658-4069
Acta Linguistica Petropolitana
Transactions of the Institute for Linguistic Studies 

Latin reflexes of PIE long syllabic liquid sonants of type СoRС / СuRС

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Trofimov A. A. Latinskiye refleksy praindoyevropeyskikh dolgikh slogovykh plavnykh vida SoRS / SuRS. Acta Linguistica Petropolitana. 2022. 18(3): 206–254.

The paper is devoted to the Latin shortened reflexes of the Proto-Indo-European long syllabic liquids schematically represented as СoRC / СuRC. Shortened reflexes having the form *CaRC found in Italic and Celtic languages have long been known; they were explained by V. Dybo as regular outcomes of sequences of the type *CR̥HC in unstressed position. I consider forms containing or, ur, ol and ul < PIE *r̥H and *l̥H in Latin and in other Italic languages. I believe the most reliable cases to be the forms of five Latin verbs:

1. pulsum / pulsus, supine and PPP. to pellō, -ere ‘to exert force against, push, strike’; Venetic poltos < *polto - < *pl̥Htu- / *pl̥Hto-.

2. cultum / cultus, supine and PPP. to colō, -ere ‘to live, inhabit; to till, cultivate, farm (land)’ < *kʷl̥h1-tu- / *kʷl̥h1-to-.

3. uolsum(us) / uulsum(us), supine and PPP. to uellō, -ere ‘to pull or pluck out (hair, plumage) etc.’ < *u̯l̥H-tu- / *u̯l̥H-to-.

4. perculsum / perculsus, supine and PPP. to percellō, -ere ‘to strike or knock down; to strike down’ < *-kl̥h2-tu- / *-kl̥h2-to- (or rebuilt *-kl̥h2d-to-with dental extension).

5. consultum / consultus, supine and PPP. to consulō, -ere ‘to apply to a person for advice or information, consult; to consult the Senate etc.’ < *-sl̥h1-tu- / *-sl̥h1-to-.

The zero-grade is morphologically motivated. In addition, there are several nouns.

17 less reliable cases can be added to this list. The alternative explanation of these forms as *o-grades is not preferable: the de Saussure effect does not represent a rule operative in PIE and Latin in all positions; the syncope in all the mentioned forms is not regular either.

The shortened reflexes under consideration do not demonstrate unambiguous correlation between Latin vowel reflexes and *h1, *h2, *h3 in the protoform. It is not excluded that before tectal l three types of reflexes coincide in ul, namely *al, *ol and *el. It seams to be reasonable to take that CoRC / CuLC appear in unstressed position after consonants with a labial element or after velars (С1 = c, g, u, f, m and p). Supposedly, this sound change was blocked before i of the next syllable, therefore pars, partis ‘part’ and calx, calcis ‘heel’. A full explanation of the facts presented needs further research.

Latin language, long syllabic sonants, shortened reflexes, de Saussure effect, tectal l, laryngeals
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Latin language, long syllabic sonants, shortened reflexes, de Saussure effect, tectal l, laryngeals
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