ISSN: 2306-5737E-ISSN: 2658-4069
Acta Linguistica Petropolitana
Transactions of the Institute for Linguistic Studies
ISSN: 2306-5737E-ISSN: 2658-4069
Acta Linguistica Petropolitana
Transactions of the Institute for Linguistic Studies 

The French grammar on coordination or conjunction of nine parts of speech by I. S. Gorlitsky (1724): Pragmatics, sources and linguistic features

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Kareva N. V., Sharikhina M. G. «Grammatika frantsuzskaya o soglasii ili sochinenii devyati chastekh slova» I. S. Gorlitskogo (1724): pragmatika, istochniki i yazykovyye osobennosti. Acta Linguistica Petropolitana. 2022. 18(3): 130–152.

The article treats the French Grammar by I. S. Gorlitsky, a manuscript housed in the Academy of Science Library Manuscript Department (P I B, No. 106). It presents findings of our preliminary textual and linguistic analysis, with earlier findings by S. V. Vlasov (2013) and L. V. Moskovkin (2017, 2019) appended as well. Researchers believe that the French Grammar… manuscript was meant for Princess Elizabeth. An analysis of the reference material used in the manual supports the idea that it was prepared for a member of a noble, or the royal, family. Language examples it provides mention names of Russian and European cities as well as French kings’ names or names of the Popes. To illustrate grammatical principles, the French Grammar… invokes the most significant events recorded in the Bible or in the ancient or French history; many of the examples also refer to the daily life of the Europeanized Russian nobility in the early XVIII century. Gorlitsky’s grammatical terminology reflects his commitment to the linguistic description tradition dating back to Meletiy Smotrytsky’s Grammar. At the same time, the textbook borrows from late-seventeenth-century French textbooks and dictionaries such as P. Richelet’s Dictionnaire françois and J.-R. Pepliers’ La parfaite grammaire royale Françoise. The paper suggests that the manuscript analyzed was not a stand-alone study in French syntax but rather one of several parts of a larger educational project. When translating French words into Russian, the manual used lexicographic approaches similar to those found in dictionaries and lexicons of the second half of the XVII — first quarter of the XVIII centuries. At the same time, the textbook uses words that are not registered in sources from earlier periods. It also makes use of borrowings that found their way into Russian only during the Petrine era. Some lexical and syntactic features of the French Grammar… bring it closer to the third part of the Description of Japan by F. Karon, also translated by Gorlitsky in 1734. French Grammar represents the first known attempt to compile a French grammar for the Russian reader, and this study aims to demonstrate its important historical, cultural and linguistic value.

grammar textbook, the XVIII century Russian, Gorlitsky, grammatical terminology, lexical borrowings
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grammar textbook, the XVIII century Russian, Gorlitsky, grammatical terminology, lexical borrowings
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