ISSN: 2306-5737E-ISSN: 2658-4069
Acta Linguistica Petropolitana
Transactions of the Institute for Linguistic Studies
ISSN: 2306-5737E-ISSN: 2658-4069
Acta Linguistica Petropolitana
Transactions of the Institute for Linguistic Studies 

Myc. tu-wo, Hom. θύος and the vocalism of s-stems in Proto-Indo-European

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Vine Brent. Myc. tu-wo, Hom. θύος and the vocalism of s-stems in Proto-Indo-European. Acta Linguistica Petropolitana. 2022. 18(1): 444–462.

A neuter s-stem based on PIE *dʰu̯ eh₂- '(produce) smoke' is well-attested from the earliest Greek: Myc. tu-wo /tʰu(u̯ )os/ 'aromatic substance' (incense, perfume), pl. tu-we-a ~ tu-we-a₂ /tʰu(u̯ )eha/, Hom.+ θύος (pl. θύεα) 'burnt offering(s)'. But a “face-value” Transponat PIE nom./acc. *dʰúh₂-os, obl. *dʰuh₂-es- violates the standard Erlangen model of accent-ablaut patterns in the inflection of athematic formations, where an s-stem with zero-grade root is anomalous (cf. [Schindler 1975]): s-stems belong to the “proterokinetic” inflectional type, with ideal structure nom./acc. R(é)-os, obl. R(Ø)-és-. Greek has other s-stems with zero-grade root; but most are transparently secondary, e.g. βάρος 'weight' (Hdt., Aesch.+) ← βαρύς 'heavy' (Hom.+). For θύος, the only available secondary pattern is the deverbative one, i.e., θύος ← θύω 'offer, sacrifice (a victim)' (Hom.+). Nevertheless, Greek deverbative s-stems are otherwise mostly late. Given the early attestation of Myc. tu-wo and Hom. θύος, these forms may continue an inherited s-stem, for which the anomalous zero-grade root vocalism invites further comment. Such a structure is not isolated. Schindler [1975: 264–265] had already identified two probable PIE s-stems with pervasive zero-grade root, i.e. *sríHg-os 'cold, frost' (Gk. ῥῖγος, Lat. frīgus) and *púH-os 'pus' (Gk. πύος, Lat. pūs). And it may be possible to add another such item, i.e. Ved. dúvas- 'gift, offering', better assigned (as *dúH-es-) to 2. deu- '(religiös) verehren etc.' [IEW: 218–219] than to the questionable construct *deh₃u- 'give'.

Recent scholarship has leveled significant criticism against the Erlangen model (the “paradigmatic” approach), with proterokinetic inflection itself as a major target (cf. [Kümmel 2014]), in favor of a new theory of Indo-European accent (the “compositional” approach, cf. [Kiparsky 2010]). Yet this revisionist discussion has had nothing to say about aberrant s-stems with zero-grade root vocalism. What, then, can be said about s-stems like *sríHg-es-, *púH-es-, and (if the analyses here are correct) *dʰúh₂-es- and *dúH-es-?

Beside *sríHg-es-, no full grade is attested for any of the root's nominal or verbal forms. Despite Stüber [2002: 152], there is no reason to regard *sriHg- as a “secondary root” with unspecified origin. Much the same picture appears for *púH-es-; the idea [Stüber 2002: 200] that the pervasive zero grade reflects an early “generalization” based on a primordial ablauting paradigm is merely an article of faith. For the root of *dʰúh₂-es-: full-grade forms are virtually unattested, and the uncertainty about the root shape ([LIV1] *dʰeuh₂- vs. [LIV2] *dʰu̯ eh₂-) is symptomatic. All of this is strongly reminiscent of other PIE “non-apophonic zero-grade roots”, of which the bestknown is *bʰuH- 'be, become', in the classic analysis by Jasanoff [1997]. Cf. also PIE *suH-i̯ u- ~ *suH-nu- 'son', notorious precisely for its failure to conform to expectations about proterokinetic inflection, much as with the zero-grade s-stems. For the underlying verbal root ([LIV2] ?*seu̯ H- 'gebären'), no verbal full grades are attested, and there are no nominal forms with arguably archaic full grades. Additional cases probably exist, e.g. *ḱu̯ eh₁- 'swell' [LIV2: 339–340], with no verbal full grades, symptomatic Schwebeablaut material, and a zero-grade proterokinetic men-stem in Gk. κῦμα 'wave'.

In sum, neuter s-stems with pervasive zero-grade root represent a hitherto neglected contributor to the reevaluation of proterokinetic inflection and, more broadly, the reappraisal of the “Erlangen” (paradigmatic) approach to the reconstruction of accent and ablaut in athematic inflectional categories.

Myc. tu-wo, Gk. θύος, s-stems, zero grade, Erlangen model, proterokinetic inflection, non-apophonic roots
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Myc. tu-wo, Gk. θύος, s-stems, zero grade, Erlangen model, proterokinetic inflection, non-apophonic roots
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