ISSN: 2306-5737E-ISSN: 2658-4069
Acta Linguistica Petropolitana
Transactions of the Institute for Linguistic Studies
ISSN: 2306-5737E-ISSN: 2658-4069
Acta Linguistica Petropolitana
Transactions of the Institute for Linguistic Studies 

The derivational history of Vedic sákthi- '(inner) thigh'

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Repanšek Luka. The derivational history of Vedic sákthi- '(inner) thigh'. Acta Linguistica Petropolitana. 2022. 18(1): 321–343.

It is argued that Vedic sákthi- '(inner) thigh' (an unambiguous cognate of Hitt. šakutt- 'thigh(bone)', attested in the reflex of the PIE collective form šakuttai, obl. *šakuttii̯ - of the ḫaštāi type), which belongs to the heterogeneous group of heteroclitic stems in -i-/-n-, viz. dádhi- 'sour milk', ákṣi- 'eye', ásthi- 'bone', is not a structural parallel to Ved. ásthi- but rather belongs with ákṣi- in that they share the peculiar nom.-acc. du. in -ī́ with a final accent (directly attested in the case of ákṣi- as nom.-acc. du. akṣī́ and indirectly demonstrable for sákthi- via its secondary remodelling sakthíyā ~ sakthíyau, which finds a perfect typological parallel in akṣyàu ← akṣī́ ). As such, Vedic *sakthī́ is a near-perfect match to the Old Iranian forms (YAv. nom.-acc. du. haxti, OAv. Gdu. +haxtiiā̊ ), which go back to Proto-Iranian *saktī́ (> Common Iranian *haxtī́ ), and speaks in favour of a ProtoIndo-Iranian *sakt-ī́ 'a pair of (inner) thighs', to which Ved. sg. sákthi- (still preserving the accent of the old consonantal stem) would then be back-formed — just like Ved. ákṣi- is ultimately based on the Proto-Indo-Iranian nom.-acc. du. *akš-ī́ (< PIE *h₃ekʷ-íh₁ through partial contamination with the reflex of PIE *h₂us-íh₁ 'pair of ears'), which was synchronically very obviously reinterpreted as an i-stem case form. As such, Vedic sákthi- also provides the possible model for the relegation of Proto-Indo-Aryan *astʰi 'bone' (most likely the old nom.-acc. pl., i.e. neuter collective) to the nom.-acc. sg., from which it arguably adopted the aspirate (a feature entirely absent from Iranian) in its own turn. It is further argued that on the basis of PIIr. *sakt-ī́ one can reconstruct a Proto-Indo-European neuter dual form *sekʷt-íh₁ (or, conceivably, *segʷ-t-íh₁), which represents an important addition to the small group of PIE zero-grade nom.-acc. du. neuters referring to natural pairs of things (nearly all securely reconstructible members of which are words for body parts), such as most famously *(s)h₃(e)kʷ-íh₁ 'eyes' and *h₂us-(s)-íh₁ 'ears'.

Vedic, Old Iranian, Proto-Indo-Iranian, Hittite, Proto-Indo-European, morphology, word formation, dual
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Vedic, Old Iranian, Proto-Indo-Iranian, Hittite, Proto-Indo-European, morphology, word formation, dual
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