ISSN: 2306-5737E-ISSN: 2658-4069
Acta Linguistica Petropolitana
Transactions of the Institute for Linguistic Studies
ISSN: 2306-5737E-ISSN: 2658-4069
Acta Linguistica Petropolitana
Transactions of the Institute for Linguistic Studies 

Greek μαπ- and its congeners

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Nikolaev Alexander. Greek μαπ- and its congeners. Acta Linguistica Petropolitana. 2022. 18(1): 267–281.

Ancient Greek (aor.) μαπέ/ό- 'to seize' ([Hes.] Sc. 231, 252, 304) has not yet received a satisfactory etymology which this paper aims to provide. Ever since antiquity it has been argued that aor. μαπέ/ό- is a secondary replacement of *μαρπέ/ό- made from nearly synonymous and much better attested verb μάρπτω 'seize, overtake, strike' (for which only sigmatic aorist is attested). This view does not carry conviction; the present paper argues that aor. μαπέ/ό- is real and its root μαπ- is distinct from that of μάρπτω for which a new etymological analysis is offered (PIE *merkʷ- 'snatch, take away', Toch. A märk- 'to take away'). My proposal is to view μαπ- as a zero-grade root allomorph *mm̥p- formed from a full-grade root *memp- (< *menp-) cf. παθέ/ό- (< *bʰn̥dʰ-) : πενθ- (< *bʰendʰ-), δρακέ/ό- (< *dr̥ḱ -) : δερκ- (< *derḱ- ), etc. The hypothetical full-grade root *memp- (< *menp-) can be analyzed as a verbal governing compound of PIE *men- 'hand' (Lat. manus 'hand', OIr. muin₂ 'protection', OE mund 'hand', Hitt. maniyaḫḫ - 'to hand over') and the root *h₁ep- 'take' (Lat. coepī 'I began', apiō 'I tie', Hitt. epp-zi 'grabs', Ved. ā́pa 'has reached'): *men-h₁p- 'take with one's hand; seize'. Similar compounds with PIE *men- 'hand' used as the first member are reflected in Lat. mancipium 'laying hold of a thing; ownership' (quasi *men- + *keh₂p-) and mandāre 'to hand over' (quasi *men- + *dʰeh₁-). This nominal compound underlies the neo-root *menh₁p-; compare Ved. gup- 'to protect' (based on the compound go-pā́- 'cow-herd'), Lat. crēd- 'believe' (< *ḱ reds-dʰeh₁-) or PIE *u̯elh₁bʰ- 'speak lies' (< *u̯elh₁-bʰeh₂-). In aor. *(h₁)e-menh₁p-t 'seized' the laryngeal would be lost in a heavy CHCC cluster by Schmidt-Hackstein's rule, hence 3 sg. *(h₁)e-menp-t (> *(h₁)e-memp-t with place assimilation), 3 pl. *(h₁)e-mm̥p-ent, remade as thematic aorist μαπέ/ό-. A neat parallel to the proposed development may be found in another verbal governing compound of PIE date, namely, *men(e)s-dʰh₁- 'to implement thinking' > μενθ- (remade as μανθ-) which in turn engendered a new zero-grade μαθ-.

Greek epic poetry, Greek etymology, compounds, formulaic collocations, laryngeal theory, Hittite, Tocharian
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Greek epic poetry, Greek etymology, compounds, formulaic collocations, laryngeal theory, Hittite, Tocharian
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