Zakharova Yu. G. O nekotorykh
osobennostyakh semanticheskoy derivatsii prilagatelnykh v russkom
yazyke vtoroy poloviny XIX v. (na materiale pisem A. P. Chekhova).
Acta Linguistica Petropolitana. 2021. 17(3):
The article proposes an analysis of derivational processes in
the semantic structure of Russian adjectives in the second half of
the XIX century. In modern linguistics, semantic
derivation refers to semantic derivation relations taking
place at both the level of synchronous polysemy, and in diachrony
at different points of a word’s history. Semantic
deviations represent divergence from the standard semantic
development path within a single value. Their significance for
historical and lexicological research is that they reveal the real
semantic volume of words in the XIX century Russian and thus
provide a glimpse of the socio-cultural and linguistic situation of
the time. The article uses methods of comparative, component, and
contextual analysis which allows using the classification of types
of derivational semantic processes, developed in diachronic
linguistics for analyses of the vocabulary of the XIX century
Russian, to capture transformations of the denotative core of
meaning and changes in the pragmatic component. A. P. Chekhov’s
letters show that semantic changes in the period under review were
most characteristic of relative adjectives. They are connected,
first of all, with the denotative-significative component of
meaning, while connotative (negative-evaluative) semes were also
formed within the new semes. One can observe shifts of a
metaphorical or figurative-associative nature in the meaning of
most adjectives. Semantic derivation in some cases relies on word
formation: the stimulus for changing the semantics of a derived
word could be the formation of a figurative meaning in the
generating word. A comparative analysis of Chekhov’s letters vs.
other sources allows identifying the semantic derivational models
that found their way into Russian in the XIX century as devices for
creating new words (lexical-semantic variants); at first they had
only limited or author-specific use to later penetrate into the
standard (literary) Russian. Thus, sukonnyy ‘made of
woolen cloth’ came to mean ‘heavy, clumsy, expressionless (about
language)’; words meaning ‘superficially nice’ like
pryanichnyy ‘made of gingerbread’ came to mean ‘false,
sugary, showy’; teatral’nyy ‘theatrical’ got a figurative meaning
‘false’; words denoting ‘handicraft production or handicraft
worker’ like kustarnyy ‘hand-crafted’ or
sapozhnik ‘cobbler’ came to mean ‘shoddy, makeshift,
amateurish’. Many Chekhov’s letters contain reflection on the
essence of artistic creativity, literary styles, or performance
art, which makes his epistolary discourse of special value for
analyses of relevant vocabulary segments.
semantic derivation, denotative-significative,
connotative component, lexical meaning, derivational semantic
model, semantic potential of the word
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