ISSN: 2306-5737E-ISSN: 2658-4069
Acta Linguistica Petropolitana
Transactions of the Institute for Linguistic Studies
ISSN: 2306-5737E-ISSN: 2658-4069
Acta Linguistica Petropolitana
Transactions of the Institute for Linguistic Studies 

From the history of the “Dictionary of the Russian Language of the XI–XVII centuries” (comments on an unpublished handwritten Review by Academician O. N. Trubachev on A. N. Shalamova’s scientific report)

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Chernysheva M. I. Iz istorii «Slovarya russkogo yazyka XI–XVII vv.» (zamechaniya o neopublikovannom rukopisnom otzyve akademika O. N. Trubacheva o nauchnom doklade A. N. Shalamovoy). Acta Linguistica Petropolitana. 2021. 17(3): 11–42.

The paper covers a fragment of the intricate history of the “Dictionary of the Russian Language of the XI–XVII centuries” (DRL XI–XVII c.) which has passed a long way from the popular-science lexicon it was in its first issues to a solid academic dictionary as we know it today. The paper proposes an analysis of the unpublished handwritten “Review” by Academician O. N. Trubachev of A. N. Shalamova’s report. In his manuscript, Trubachev gives a high mark to her research published in the Issues 11 (1986) and 21 (1995) of the DRL XI–XVII. The Review is an analytical and to an extent critical assessment of her lexicographic research based on a comparison of Old Russian and Slavic (including some Proto-Slavic) lexical material. In addition to specific observations on the meaning of ne- words and some other lexemes, the review proposes a discussion of approaches to work with historical and etymological dictionaries and deals with the ways to establish word meanings, reconstruction proce- dures, etc. This study of the Review revealed such categories of Trubachev’s approach to lexical analysis as “the unknown domain”, “non-rigid dictionary parameters”, “verification criteria for scientific reconstruction”, “a series and a set”, “an open set”, etc. It also demonstrates the way Trubachev handles “universals” that are “declining while remaining active at the same time” in his study of diachronic language development. Trubachev’s Review, appended to the paper, contains information that may be valuable for experts in Slavic etymology and Russian historical lexicology and lexicography. It includes a number of unique, previously unknown observations by O. N. Trubachev.

Russian historical lexicography, Slavic lexicography, etymology, semantics
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Russian historical lexicography, Slavic lexicography, etymology, semantics
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