ISSN: 2306-5737E-ISSN: 2658-4069
Acta Linguistica Petropolitana
Transactions of the Institute for Linguistic Studies
ISSN: 2306-5737E-ISSN: 2658-4069
Acta Linguistica Petropolitana
Transactions of the Institute for Linguistic Studies 

A tentative description of Ginyanga noun class system and noun class agreement

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Pozdnyakova V. A. K opisaniyu sistemy imennykh klassov i klassnogo soglasovaniya v yazyke ginanga. Acta Linguistica Petropolitana. 2021. 17(1): 271–305.

This paper features a preliminary overview of Ginyanga (Kwa, North Guang) noun class system and agreement. This is the first study that addresses Ginyanga morphology in detail and puts it into typological perspective. Although Kwa languages are generally known for their reduced morphology, the North Guang branch is distinguished by its rich noun class system. This is also the case with Ginyanga: based on agreement I define eight noun classes, three of which are singular and five are plural. Classes are marked with noun prefixes that are subject to ATR harmony. Agreement classes are further divided into morphological subclasses, that share the agreement paradigm, but feature different noun prefix. Singular / plural pairings of classes and semantic bases of each class are discussed; in particular, the role of the semantic parameter of animacy. Class marking alternation is observed both in singular / plural correlations and derivational processes (diminutive formation), which is characteristic of active noun class systems.

The following agreement contexts are viewed: class agreement of cardinal numerals, demonstratives and quantifiers, subject-verb agreement, pronoun series. Cardinal numerals from ‘1’ to ‘6’ get class indexation from the head noun, numerals from ‘7’ to ‘10’ retain their default marking. There are two demonstratives that agree in class with the head noun, -bali ‘this’ and -bʋnʋ ‘that’. Ginyanga class agreement system also includes two series of verbal prefixes: factative and imperfective, and two pronoun series, basic (independent and possessive) and object.

Based on these data I argue that Ginyanga follows the North Guang pattern and demonstrates a fully fledged system of noun classes and noun class agreement. The paper adds to the evidence of a rich class system that should have existed in Proto-Guang and contributes to the typology of noun classes in West African languages.

Niger-Congo, Kwa, Guang, noun class, noun morphology
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Niger-Congo, Kwa, Guang, noun class, noun morphology
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