ISSN: 2306-5737E-ISSN: 2658-4069
Acta Linguistica Petropolitana
Transactions of the Institute for Linguistic Studies
ISSN: 2306-5737E-ISSN: 2658-4069
Acta Linguistica Petropolitana
Transactions of the Institute for Linguistic Studies 

“Money and Trade”, a treatise by J. Law: A history of the 1720 Russian translation with a textual analysis

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Korkina T. D. Traktat Dzhona Lo «Dengi i kupechestvo»: istoriya russkogo perevoda 1720 g. i tekstologicheskiy analiz spiskov. Acta Linguistica Petropolitana. 2020. XVI(3): 725–743.

There are three handwritten copies of a Russian translation of the treatise «Money and Trade Considered, with a Proposal for supplying the Nation with Money» by the Scottish economist John Law kept in The Library of the Russian Academy of Sciences and in the Russian National Library in St. Petersburg. This translation was made by Prince I. A. Shcherbatov, one of the supporters of the John Law financial system, in 1720. An analysis of library catalogs and the relevant literature raises questions regarding the dating of both the manuscripts of the Russian translation and its sources. The inconsistencies found in their existing descriptions can be attributed in many respects to the fact that the researchers have failed to review the translated copies in their entirety.

The purpose of this article was to analyze all the known copies by comparing the chapter titles in the Russian translations against those in the English original and in a French translation. The analysis identified three types of discrepancies: textual, lexical, and grammatical. They show that the Russian National Library copy chapter names are the same as in the registry, which suggests that they were translated from the English original but put in the registry in consistence with the French version. Only in one case, the Russian translation still matches the wording in the French version more than the English original. This suggests that at the final stage of work with the translation I. A. Shcherbatov checked the text and made minimal revisions in accordance with the French edition. My comparison of the different versions makes it possible to reconstruct the history of Prince I. A. Shcherbatov’s work on the Russian translation. Initially, he started with the first English edition of 1705, while at the final stages, before sending the manuscript to Peter the Great in March 1720, he used the French translation as well. Thus the existing translation copies by I. A. Shcherbatov should be treated as two different versions.

18th century, Russian language of the 18th century, the Petrine era, translations of the Petrine era, John Law, I
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18th century, Russian language of the 18th century, the Petrine era, translations of the Petrine era, John Law, I
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