ISSN: 2306-5737E-ISSN: 2658-4069
Acta Linguistica Petropolitana
Transactions of the Institute for Linguistic Studies
ISSN: 2306-5737E-ISSN: 2658-4069
Acta Linguistica Petropolitana
Transactions of the Institute for Linguistic Studies 

Adoption of M. Lomonosov’s grammar ideas by Russian grammars of the second half of the 18th century

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Vlasov S. V., Volkov S. S., Moskovkin L. V. Retseptsiya grammaticheskikh idey M. V. Lomonosova v russkikh grammatikakh vtoroy poloviny XVIII v.. Acta Linguistica Petropolitana. 2020. XVI(3): 689–724.

The article reviews the influence of M. V. Lomonosov’s Rossijskaya grammatika (Russian grammar), St. Petersburg, 1755) on the Russian grammars for foreign students issued in the second half of the 18th century: Élémens de la langue russe ou Méthode courte et facile pour apprendre cette langue conformément à l’usage (St. Petersburg, 1768) by J.-B. J. Charpentier and F. de Marignan, Russische Sprachlehre zum bestem der deutschen Jugend eingerichtet von Jac. Rodde (Riga, 1773), and Remarques sur la langue russienne et sur son alphabet, avec des Pièces relatives à la connoissance de cette Langue (St. Pétersbourg, 1791) by Phéodore Karjavine. The review is subdivided into three paragraphs on Russian nouns and adjectives (gender, declination, case), on the Russian verb tense system, and on Russian adverbs (semantic classes). A comparative analysis of the respective Rossijskaya grammatika’s paragraphs and the corresponding chapters of the textbooks for foreign students reveals a strong influence of Lomonosov’s concepts on their metalanguage, interpretation of grammatical phenomena, and examples used. Notably, apart from Lomonosov’s Rossijskaya grammatika, they also build on some other resources, mostly the Anfangs-Gründe der Russischen Sprache (St. Petersburg, 1731) by V. E. Adodurov. The study shows that the grammatical sections of these textbooks, rather than using direct translations from Rossijskaya grammatika, tend to rethink and enrich Lomonosov’s grammatical theory. Such innovations reflect the authors’ linguistic ideas, teaching experience, knowledge of their students’ needs, etc. The analysis allows to overview and reconstruct the post-Lomonosov period in the history of the 18th century Russian linguistics and linguodidactics. All this shows the importance of a philological study of manuals of the Russian language for foreigners as a source of information for historical phonetics, accentology, grammar, lexicology, and phraseology, especially since the authors of these manuals sought to reflect the Russian speech of their time.

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