ISSN: 2306-5737E-ISSN: 2658-4069
Acta Linguistica Petropolitana
Transactions of the Institute for Linguistic Studies
ISSN: 2306-5737E-ISSN: 2658-4069
Acta Linguistica Petropolitana
Transactions of the Institute for Linguistic Studies 

Possessive constructions of Samburg Komi

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Pleshak P. S. Posessivnyye konstruktsii v samburgskom komi. Acta Linguistica Petropolitana. 2020. XVI(3): 407–439.

This paper discusses the expression of adnominal possessive relations in Samburg Komi (Izhma dialect, Komi-Zyrian). Possessive relations are considered a part of the scale of different adnominal relations, with splits on that scale being language specific. O ne of the goals of this study is to identify the adnominal relations that pattern with the core possessive (kinship, body part, legal ownership) relations in their encoding. Based on the field data collected in the village of Samburg, I discuss the structural types of possessive constructions that can encode possessive relations in Samburg Komi. I consider such morpho-syntactic properties as case-marking of the dependent component and possessive marking on the head. Another goal of this study is to find out what morpho-syntactic and semantic factors affect the construction choice. Finally, an additional goal is to compare these data to the standard variety of the Komi-Zyrian language. I show that only those relations that involve specific possessors can pattern with core possessive relations in Samburg Komi in terms of their encoding. Possessors can be marked with two types of the genitive case (the first and the second genitive) or with the nominative case. Samburg Komi also has a set of possessive markers that can attach to the head noun (possessum) and express the person and number of the dependent component (possessor). Combinations of these possibilities produce the whole range of possessive constructions. The two main factors influencing the choice of a construction are the animacy of the possessor and the syntactic position of the possessive noun phrase. Possessive marking of the head in Samburg Komi is more obligatory than in the standard Komi. Samburg Komi also has more restrictions on possessor marking. For instance, the only possible marking for specific possessors in non-oblique noun phrases is that by the genitive. Moreover, I show that one of the possessive markers (poss.3pl) undergoes an interesting functional change: its functions shift from encoding the plurality of the possessor to the encoding of the plurality of the possessum.

Komi language, possessive constructions, semantic relations, syntactic position of NP, language change
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Komi language, possessive constructions, semantic relations, syntactic position of NP, language change
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