ISSN: 2306-5737E-ISSN: 2658-4069
Acta Linguistica Petropolitana
Transactions of the Institute for Linguistic Studies
ISSN: 2306-5737E-ISSN: 2658-4069
Acta Linguistica Petropolitana
Transactions of the Institute for Linguistic Studies 

Variations in Uralic words: The case of the Uralic *tVr-stem with a meaning ‘trembling’

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Kim Jeongdo. Variations in Uralic words: The case of the Uralic *tVr-stem with a meaning ‘trembling’. Acta Linguistica Petropolitana. 2020. XVI(3): 146–158.

This paper presents words which describe, or are semantically connected with ‘trembling’ in Uralic languages and contain an initial consonant t, a middle consonant r, and variable vocalism. These words are to be regarded as onomatopoeics that imitate sounds or motion. This paper aims to reconstruct Proto-Uralic forms based on these words. The argument of this paper is that onomatopoeic words can undergo regular sound changes. This paper also aims to present convincing arguments for a semantic shift based on similar developments elsewhere.

The first Uralic cognate set that includes words with the meaning ‘trembling’ is: Finnic täristä ‘tremble’ ~ Northern Saami dárrat ‘be frantic, mad’ ~ Erzya Mordvin t́eŕńems ~ Mokša Mordvin t́äŕńəms ‘tremble’ ~ Selkup tar()- ‘tremble’. The semantic correspondence between the meanings ‘trembling’ and ‘mad’ can be seen in the Finnish derivatives tärähtää ‘shake; be mad’, and täre (> täreellään, täreillään, täreessänsä, täreissänsä ‘be excited, be on guard’). The words in the cognate set can be reconstructed to the Proto-Uralic stem *tärä-.

The second Uralic cognate set is: Mari törγaš ‘gallop, jump’ ~ Selkup ti̮rkə- ‘tremble’. The semantic shift ‘tremble’ > ‘jump’ can be seen in Indo-European words like the Old English scacan ‘shake, shiver; run, leave, flee’. The words in the cognate set can be reconstructed to the Proto-Uralic stem **ti̮rka-.

Additionally, two hypothetical cognate sets can be presented. Both of them include the Northern Saami verb doarggistit ‘tremble’ which can be compared either to Tavda Mansi tark- ‘tremble’ and Vasjugan Khanty tărǝɣor ‘tremble’ or Sugurt Khanty tårǝɣ- ‘tremble’. If the Northern Saami verb is compared to the Tavda Mansi and Vasjugan Khanty words, they can be reconstructed to the Proto-Uralic stem *tarki-. If it is compared to the Sugurt Khanty word, they can be reconstructed to the Proto-Uralic stem *torka-.

In conclusion, a secondary ablaut does not always cause irregularity of a diachronic vowel change.

Uralic languages, onomatopoeic words, etymology, sound correspondences, cognate sets, semantic shift
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Uralic languages, onomatopoeic words, etymology, sound correspondences, cognate sets, semantic shift
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