ISSN: 2306-5737E-ISSN: 2658-4069
Acta Linguistica Petropolitana
Transactions of the Institute for Linguistic Studies
ISSN: 2306-5737E-ISSN: 2658-4069
Acta Linguistica Petropolitana
Transactions of the Institute for Linguistic Studies 

“Die Teutsche Grammatica” by M. Schwanwitz (1730): historical context, preceding tradition, modern reception

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Kareva N. V., Pivovarov Ye. G. «Nemetskaya grammatika» M. Shvanvitsa (1730): istoricheskiy kontekst, predshestvuyushchaya traditsiya, sovremennaya retseptsiya. Acta Linguistica Petropolitana. 2020. XVI(2): 479–508.

The article is devoted to “Die Teutsche Grammatica” by M. Schwanwitz (St. Petersburg, 1730), the first German-language textbook, printed in Russia. The bilingual manual, originally written for Academic gymnasium students, was also used at the Land Gentry Cadet Corps, and other Empire’s educational institutions. The authors specify the details of Schwanwitz’s biography, analyze the historical context of his book creation, examine its Russian and German segments. The paper interprets specific linguistic terminology representing a mixture of Latinized and Russian lexical components that apparently reflects the gymnasium teaching practices. Schwanwitz used trilingual terms to compare conceptual systems and indicate a common set of categories for three tongues. He offered his students German grammar explanations and simultaneously developed their linguistic abilities necessary to learn several foreign languages in a short time. Particular attention is paid to the German section of the grammar. We have tried to determine “Die Teutsche Grammatica” sources and conclude, that Schwanwitz compiled “Die deutsche Grammatica ⟨…⟩ von Charmyntes” (Berlin, 1713), the editions of J. Bödiker’s grammar (Cöln an der Spree, 1690; Berlin, 1723), and Polish textbooks. Differences from Charmyntes’s work included redefinition of several grammatical categories (person and article); besides, the ablative case was removed from the paradigm. Natural science and heretical examples were omitted, while a number of Russian words were added. A new conjecture about the Berlin manual authorship is formulated. Although the version, that “Die deutsche Grammatica ⟨…⟩ von Charmyntes” creator was J. L. Frisch, seems to be generally accepted, the XVIIIth century reference books suggested a “Junker” be the one. The authors discuss which of Junkers could have been a composer of the manual. The article discusses why contemporary scholars (H. Keipert, B. Uspensky, D. Zakharyin) were disputing upon Schwanwitz’s role in grammatical discourse development. We conclude that his ambiguous assessment has resulted from insufficient knowledge of his grammar sources, and specifics of the socio-cultural and linguistic situation in which it was created.

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