Etymological connections of Izhor- / Izher- toponyms
The article discusses the origins of toponyms in Izhor- / Izher-. A review of works on the toponyms of the Leningrad region has been undertaken, showing the lack of comprehensive studies of the Neva region. It also provides an overview of research methods for ethnotoponyms, and also considers the limitations on the interpretation of this type of toponyms associated with the specifics of the phenomenon of ethnicity in different historical epochs. Early toponyms in Izhor- / Izher- are represented mainly by the names of the Izhor River, the Izhora tribe and Izhora land, which are discussed in detail in the literature. It proposes Northern-Finnish origins for the name of the river Izhora which confirms the greatest antiquity of this toponym. The paper demonstrates a lack of any connection between early toponyms in Izhor- / Izher- and the toponyms in Izor-. Place names in Izhor- / Izher- form a compact area in the Neva region, but are also found in other regions of European Russia, as well as in Latvia, without forming compact areas. The identified toponyms of the Neva region that emerged in modern times are mainly divided into two etymological groups: names associated with the Izhora River, and names associated with the Izhora people. As a rule, ethnographic data contain information about the Izhora residence in these villages in the 18th–19th centuries for the second group’s places of residence. Place names outside the Neva region are usually not direсtly related to the Izhora people, with their etymology often remaining unclear. It is suggested that the massive emergence of ethnotoponyms in Izhor- occuring in the 18th–19th centuries has to do with the actualization of ethnic categories in Russia. The reasons behind the actualization of ethnic categories was probably development of science and, later, emergence of national romanticism that increased attention to the ethnic differences of the peasant population.