ISSN: 2306-5737E-ISSN: 2658-4069
Acta Linguistica Petropolitana
Transactions of the Institute for Linguistic Studies
ISSN: 2306-5737E-ISSN: 2658-4069
Acta Linguistica Petropolitana
Transactions of the Institute for Linguistic Studies 

The facultative se in Albanian complement clauses: A corpus study

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Makartsev M. M. Fakultativnoye se v albanskikh pridatochnykh izyasnitelnykh: opyt korpusnogo issledovaniya. Acta Linguistica Petropolitana. 2020. XVI(2): 181–213.

Albanian formally differentiates between the following types of complements: Facts (complementizer or se ‘that’), Activities (si ‘how’), and Potential ((që) të ‘(in order) to’). The article focuses on the facultative use of the Albanian complementizer of fact se in contexts with connective words (çfarë ‘that’, ku ‘where’, kur ‘when’, kush ‘who’, sa ‘how much; how many’, si ‘how’) after matrix predicates of non-visual access to information (a verb of speech them ‘say’, psychic activity di ‘know’, and a verb introducing direct questions pyes ‘ask’). Since the complementizer se in these contexts can be used together with connective words, it allows us to speak of double marking of the syntactic connection between the matrix clause and the complement or of unification of Albanian complements of Fact. While Fact-type complements in Albanian are clearly opposed to Potential-type complements, they are not fully differentiated from Activities. In particular, both Facts and Activities can be introduced by the facultative se. A statistical analysis of the Albanian National Corpus demonstrates several tendencies in the use of the facultative se with complements including connective words. One of the factors influencing the use of se is the closer context. Thus, di (se) çfarë and di (se) kur support while di (se) si suppresses the use of se. Diachronically (however limited a diachronic analysis on the basis of ANC can be, considering the disproportional representation of texts published before 1989), no significant developments were found. The paper demonstrates the differences between regions. The most similar in the use of the facultative se are Albania and Kosovo, while the most dissimilar are Kosovo and North Macedonia. My mixed effects (condition tree) analysis shows text genres to be another factor in its distribution. Notably, in quasipronominal uses of phraseological units with the verb di ‘know’, the facultative se is much less frequent then after free word combinations with the same verb.

Albanian syntax, Albanian language corpus, complementation, complement clauses, language variation and change
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Albanian syntax, Albanian language corpus, complementation, complement clauses, language variation and change
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