Verbs of falling in Chinese: diachronic
Sy Ts., Kholkina L. S. Glagoly padeniya v
kitayskom yazyke: diakhronicheskiy vzglyad. Acta Linguistica
Petropolitana. 2020. XVI(1): 943–967.
The paper demonstrates the possibilities of the diachronic
approach in the study of lexical systems on the material of verbs
of falling. The diachronic analysis of one particular zone (loss of
vertical orientation), which in modern Chinese is covered by a
single lexeme 倒 dǎo ‘to fall (of a vertically oriented
object)’, highlights an additional semantic parameter “direction of
falling”: cf. 仆 pū ‘to fall forward’ and 偃
yǎn ‘to fall backward’. The analysis of historical changes
in the combinability of the verb 落 luò ‘to fall’ explains
the frequency of this component in complex words, and demonstrates
that in written language it shows amazing stability: 落 luò
in its original meaning (‘to fall (of leaves / flowers)’) has been
used in literary monuments for almost three thousand years. At the
same time, its peripheral frames undergo significant changes. This
makes diachronic research a source of valuable information about
the significance and relative proximity of frames, which can be
used while building semantic maps, and in the long term, contribute
to the identification of new patterns in the historical development
of vocabulary. In addition, diachronic studies in vocabulary may
also indicate a connection between two different semantic fields,
when lexemes in the process of historical development move from one
field to another (‘turn over’ and ‘fall’ in our case). Thus,
diachronic approach in lexical typology proves its effectiveness
both in tracing back the historical changes in one particular zone,
and in the study of compatibility of one particular lexeme in
different historical periods.
verbs of falling, diachrony, history,
semantics, lexical typology, Chinese
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verbs of falling, diachrony, history,
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