Reznikova T. I., Merdanova S. R. Kak
yazyku oboytis bez glagolov padeniya: semanticheskoye pole
nekontroliruyemogo peremeshcheniya vniz v agulskom yazyke. Acta
Linguistica Petropolitana. 2020. XVI(1): 757–785.
The article focuses on verbs expressing the semantics of
uncontrolled downward motion in the Aghul language. The peculiarity
of the Aghul system is the lack of dedicated lexical means for the
idea of falling: this kind of motion is described by stems that are
derived from verbal roots meaning ‘to find oneself somewhere’, ‘to
hit against smth’, ‘to tear off’, etc., which are combined with
various spatial preverbs. Despite such an unusual system, the
principles of its lexical division are in line with general
typological trends. Out of four frames, which are
cross-linguistically relevant for the domain of falling (motion
from an upper surface, detaching, loss of a vertical orientation,
and destruction), Aghul co-lexifies two — upper surface and
detaching (both are encoded with the root -arxas ‘to find
oneself somewhere’). Each of the two other frames uses several
verbs which specify the type of trajector and/or the manner of
motion. Thus, the loss of a vertical orientation is further
subdivided into three zones, viz. non-specified falling of a person
(-urq’as ‘hit against smth’), falling of a person
backwards (al-ʁ-adarkas ‘SUPER-UP-move’), and falling of
an inanimate subject, which is lexically combined with falling of a
person sideways (al-at’t’as ‘SUPER-tear_off’).
Falling-destruction may be described by the verbs ʕʷas
‘go’, ajč’ʷas ‘go out’, and
-uq’as ‘sit down’, the choice of the verb here depends on
the degree and nature of damage.
Semantic shifts have been discovered only for two of the verbs
considered in the study (-arxas and -urq’as).
Though these verbs in their basic meanings do not belong to the
domain of falling, their shifts follow the same patterns as those
observed for dedicated falling verbs, cf., e.g., the metaphors of
getting into an unpleasant situation, falling behind a group,
falling to one’s lot, the onset of a season or a daytime. Our data
shows that the derivation of similar meanings from verbs of
diverging semantics allows us to elucidate the motivation for each
verbs of falling, Aghul language, metaphors of
falling, semantic adjacency
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