ISSN: 2306-5737E-ISSN: 2658-4069
Acta Linguistica Petropolitana
Transactions of the Institute for Linguistic Studies
ISSN: 2306-5737E-ISSN: 2658-4069
Acta Linguistica Petropolitana
Transactions of the Institute for Linguistic Studies 

Towards a description of Pluperfect and Future Anterior contexts in the New Testament

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Sichinava D. V. K opisaniyu kontekstov plyuskvamperfekta i predbudushchego v Novom Zavete. Acta Linguistica Petropolitana. 392–431.

In the paper, an analysis of parallel pluperfect and (less numerous) future anterior contexts in Greek koine, Latin Vulgata, Early Modern English (KJV), Spanish and Church Slavonic versions of the New Testament is presented. The forms in question can express both relative and absolute tense. The pluperfect marks precedence to a point of reference located in the past, whereas the future anterior signals precedence to a future reference point. The forms in question are traditionally referred to as absolute-relative tenses. However, both are known to yield additional non-compositional meanings related to the domain of past temporal frames, (cancelled) resultativity, modality (cf. English had I come earlier…), and evidentiality. A “form-to-semantics” approach is chosen to investigate the mechanisms behind the pluperfect and/or future anterior choice in the languages that have the forms. A classification of the semantic contexts of their use in the Gospels, Acts, and Revelation is proposed, the properties of individual translations / doculects are revealed, and recommendations for further research are given. The findings include, among other things: an overlap between the uses of both forms in irreal contexts (in Early Modern English); ambiguity between the Future Anterior and Perfect Subjunctive in indefinite temporal reference contexts (in Latin); the dependence of the choice of pluperfect forms, as opposed to those of the simple preterite, on the syntactic context (independent sentences, greater frequency in when-clauses); and various details of the use of the pluperfect in individual languages (such as experiential or “not-yet” uses in Church Slavonic or strict absolute-relative uses in Spanish). Given that the non-finite strategy extensively used in biblical versions makes it difficult to pinpoint the mechanism behind the pluperfect vs. preterite choice, a comparison between multiple biblical translations into the same language should be undertaken to complete the research.

parallel corpus, pluperfect, future anterior, biblical text
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parallel corpus, pluperfect, future anterior, biblical text
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