ISSN: 2306-5737E-ISSN: 2658-4069
Acta Linguistica Petropolitana
Transactions of the Institute for Linguistic Studies
ISSN: 2306-5737E-ISSN: 2658-4069
Acta Linguistica Petropolitana
Transactions of the Institute for Linguistic Studies 

Functions and types of the imperative in the Gospels of Luke and John

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Orlov V. A. Funktsii i tipy imperativa v Yevangeliyakh ot Luki i Ioanna. Acta Linguistica Petropolitana. 318–356.

The paper deals with imperative contexts in the Gospels of Luke and John. Based on the evidence of seven languages with different imperative systems (Ancient Greek, Latin, Russian, English, Spanish, Finnish and Hill Mari), a classification of imperative contexts is proposed. It is argued that these contexts can be classified according to their pragmatic function in the text and, optionally, according to their semantic type. The concept of the Imperative and its features relevant for cross-linguistic variation of imperative meanings are discussed. The contexts are chosen according to the parameters typically attributed to the imperative in the literature. They include direct causation, agentive subject and the speaker’s control of the situation, i.e. parameters that can be treated as pivots forming a prototypical model of the imperative. The article also discusses the concepts of the Hortative and Jussive as closely related to that of the Imperative and proposes an idea of semantic distinction between these notions. Jussive can be treated as a category expressing indirect causation and Hortative, as that primarily used to express the speaker’s intention to fulfill the action.

The imperative contexts are classified according to their pragmatic functions in the text of the Gospels. It is argued that prototypical imperatives express directive illocutionary force. Non-prototypical Imperatives are thus used for a different purpose where they either help organize the discourse or serve as prescriptions for Jesus’s followers. It is shown that different personal forms of the Imperative are distributed unevenly across the pragmatic functions. While 2SG forms mainly perform the directive function, 2PL forms tend to more often occur in prescriptive contexts.

Finally, three semantic types of the imperative occurring in the Gospels are discussed. The delayed Imperative is used to indicate that the action is to be fulfilled later. The directional Imperative implies that there is some motion accompanying the main action. Requests are used for command mitigation.

parallel corpus, New Testament, imperative, jussive, hortative, semantic types of imperative, pragmatic functions of imperative
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parallel corpus, New Testament, imperative, jussive, hortative, semantic types of imperative, pragmatic functions of imperative
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