ISSN: 2306-5737E-ISSN: 2658-4069
Acta Linguistica Petropolitana
Transactions of the Institute for Linguistic Studies
ISSN: 2306-5737E-ISSN: 2658-4069
Acta Linguistica Petropolitana
Transactions of the Institute for Linguistic Studies 

Towards the description of contexts for dual number on the material of the New Testament translations corpus

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Vrubel D. D., Pasko L. I. K opisaniyu kontekstov dlya grammemy dvoystvennogo chisla na materiale korpusa perevodov Novogo Zaveta. Acta Linguistica Petropolitana. 75–110.

Parallel text corpora constitute a useful instrument for typological research providing aligned texts in multiple languages. Our aim was to create a database of contexts that might be used for typological research of dual number which has attracted the interest of many typologists since long ago. Though found in many genetically distant languages, dual faces a considerable number of constraints and can only appear in languages with a plural number grammeme. The contexts for the database were taken from the parallel corpus of the New Testament (Gospel of Mark and Gospel of Luke) translations from Ancient Greek to Latin, English, Spanish, Russian, Slovenian and Old Church Slavonic. The resulting database includes contexts where dual number (if it exists in a given language) may be expressed in nouns, predicates, adjectives or pronouns in consistence with the rules of number agreement or concord. Each context was anntated for several parameters relevant to the dual number. A parameter was considered relevant if it could influence the expression of dual number in any way. For example, in some languages with dual number, only nominals standing for objects that naturally come in pairs can have a dual form, while in others these can only occur in the plural. Altogether, eleven parameters were chosen for the database: (1) a noun phrase or a coordinate structure is used (‘SINGLE/COORD’); presence of (2) nouns (‘N’) or (3) pronouns (‘PN’) in the phrase; inclusion of (4) the speaker (‘P-SPEAK’) or (5) the addressee (‘P-ADDR’); (6) presence of a numeral in the phrase (‘NUM’); (7) the taxonomic class of the noun (‘TAXONOMY’); (8) objects naturally come in pairs (‘PAIR’); (9) thematic roles (‘THEMATIC ROLE’); (10) tense (‘TENSE’); and (11) modality (‘IMP’). In this paper, we present a detailed description of the created database and discuss certain facts concerning the expression of dual number in languages with this grammeme (Slovenian and Old Church Slavonic).

dual number, number, coordination, typology, parallel corpus, Old Church Slavonic, English, Slovenian, Spanish, Ancient Greek, Latin, Russian
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dual number, number, coordination, typology, parallel corpus, Old Church Slavonic, English, Slovenian, Spanish, Ancient Greek, Latin, Russian
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