ISSN: 2306-5737E-ISSN: 2658-4069
Acta Linguistica Petropolitana
Transactions of the Institute for Linguistic Studies
ISSN: 2306-5737E-ISSN: 2658-4069
Acta Linguistica Petropolitana
Transactions of the Institute for Linguistic Studies 

Serial verb constructions with the verb parək I in Christian Urmi Neo-Aramaic

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Lyavdanskiy A. K. Serialnyye konstruktsii s glagolom parək I v urmiyskikh novoarameyskikh idiomakh. Acta Linguistica Petropolitana. 2023. 19(1): 193–229.

On the basis of field and corpus data, preliminary observations are made about the form and function of serial verb constructions (SVC) in the varieties of Christian Urmi Neo-Aramaic. Serial verb constructions are considered adopting “wide” understanding of this phenomenon, represented by the works of Plungyan, Aikhenvald and Andrason among many others. Big amount of data was collected in the literary corpus of Soviet texts in Christian Urmi. It was supplemented by the fieldwork in the village of Urmia in Krasnodarsky Kray. The preliminary overall picture of the use of SVC in Christian Urmi shows that this language does not belong neither to most productively serializing languages, nor to the languages with the lowest rate of verbal serialization. Relative frequency of SVC in Christian Urmi may be accounted for by the influence of the adstrate Azerbaijani (Azery) Turkish: its CONVERB+V-constractions, widely known in many other Turkic languages, may have been calqued by morphosyntactically related (following Shluinsky 2014) serial verb constructions in Christian Urmi Neo-Aramaic. Further research needs to be done taking into account the history of SVC in the older strata of Aramaic.

As a case study, the article analyzes serial constructions with the verb parək I, in which it operates either as a semantic modifier or as a lexical verb. One of the problems affecting the analysis of the examples is homonymy between the verbs parək I and parək II in the Present tense (qatəl). In some cases this may be resolved by the presence of the pronominal object marker which could be attached only to strictly transitive parək II. In its role of a semantic modifier, the verb parək I functions as an aspectual completive or perfective marker. The SVC with the verb parək I are relatively infrequent. This fact and the full-fledge usage of parək I as a lexical verb outside SVC does not allow to conclude that the verb parək I within SVC is to be considered as fully grammaticalized aspectual marker.

Neo-Aramaic languages, Semitic languages, serial verb construction, language contact
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Neo-Aramaic languages, Semitic languages, serial verb construction, language contact
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