ISSN: 2306-5737E-ISSN: 2658-4069
Acta Linguistica Petropolitana
Transactions of the Institute for Linguistic Studies
ISSN: 2306-5737E-ISSN: 2658-4069
Acta Linguistica Petropolitana
Transactions of the Institute for Linguistic Studies 

On ergativity in Neo-Aramaic languages

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Sarkisov I. V. K voprosu ob ergativnosti v novoarameyskikh yazykakh. Acta Linguistica Petropolitana. 380.
This research examines the ergativity in Neo-Aramaic languages. It is based on the materials of the previous works and field studies. The results show that the system of Neo-Aramaic preterit constructions, that is usually being called «ergative», in sober fact is not ergative. In reality in Neo-Aramaic languages two different systems of the marking of verbal arguments can be found: a nominative alignment with the reversed meaning of agreement suffixes and an active alignment, while the real ergativity never appears.
Neo-Aramaic languages, ergativity, active alignment, Semitic languages
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Neo-Aramaic languages, ergativity, active alignment, Semitic languages
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