Adverbial constructions with syncretic semantics in Turkic languages
Khabibullina L. G. Obstoyatelstvennyye
konstruktsii s sinkretichnoy semantikoyv tyurkskikh yazykakh.
Acta Linguistica Petropolitana. 991.
In Turkology adverbial relations,
including the functional-semantic categories and reflecting the
interdependence of the phenomena of reality, require a
multidimensional scientific description. Yet, the main direction of
a research of adverbial relations was limited to the analysis of
their separate individual variations. However, it should be
stressed, that in some cases several syncretic values are
represented in one syntactic structure. This study aims to analyze
the relationship between several types of adverbial relations on
the material of Turkic languages, to determine the ways in which
the meanings of purpose and reason, and meanings of condition and
time are interlaced in the Turkic languages.Acard file gathered by
method of continuous selection from fiction, small genres of Turkic
folklore and informal conversations has served as the source of
data and as the key base for the research. The study was conducted
on the material of Turkic languages belonging to the Oghuz,
Kyrgyz-Kypchak, Kypchak and Karluk-Uighur groups.The following
methods of research were applied to the solution of the tasks:
method of the linguistic description, method of the modeling and
transformational analysis, method of the semantic analysis.On the
basis of the conducted research it has been revealed that the
structures of causation and purpose are formally poorly
differentiated in Turkic languages. The main criterion which makes
it possible to distinguish between these two types of
interpretation is the contrast between premeditation vs.
unintentionalness of action. The purpose is the expected result of
certain actions. The “reason” causes another state of affairs,
which can be labelled “consequence”, precedes it in time and it is
a basis of its emergence, in other words, the reason generates the
consequence. Thus, the purpose, unlike the cause and effect, is
directed to the future, its implementation demands some conscious
activity.A certain degree of vagueness with respect to
simultaneity/ sequence is characteristic of Turkic constructions
that express conditional and temporal semantics; this vagueness is
due to the fact that the main semantic component of these
constructions is not the correlation of actions in time, but their
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