ISSN: 2306-5737E-ISSN: 2658-4069
Acta Linguistica Petropolitana
Transactions of the Institute for Linguistic Studies
ISSN: 2306-5737E-ISSN: 2658-4069
Acta Linguistica Petropolitana
Transactions of the Institute for Linguistic Studies 

Denominations of «aeriform» substances in Russian chemical terminology of the 18th ― early 19th centuries

Sokolov A. I. Naimenovaniya «vozdukhoobraznykh» veshchestvv russkoy khimicheskoy terminologii XVIII — nachala XIX veka. Acta Linguistica Petropolitana. 939.
The article examines the denominations of «aeriform» substances (spirit, fume, smoke, exhalation, vapor, mofettes, air, gas) in the language of Russian chemistry of the 18th ― early 19th centuries. In treatises of pre-pneumatic time, semantically indistinctive usage of some of denominations reflected the erosion of Aristotelian ideas of elementarity of air and formation of new ideas of different kinds of atmospheric air. Later semantic shifts in the meaning of these terms are connected with discoveries of new gaseous substances and clarifying of the concept of aggregate (gaseous) state. It is shown that on the eve of 18th ― 19th centuries, as the result of achievements in chemistry of gases, the denominations spirit, exhalation, fume (smoke) and partly mofettes and vapor gradually reduce their usage as terms; air denotes atmospheric air, and gas becomes a denomination of aggregate state of a class of chemical substances.
Russian language, historical lexicology, language of Russian chemistry of the 18th ― early 19th centuries, «aeriform» substances, aggregate state, spirit, fume, smoke, exhalation, vapor, mofettes, air, gas
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Russian language, historical lexicology, language of Russian chemistry of the 18th ― early 19th centuries, «aeriform» substances, aggregate state, spirit, fume, smoke, exhalation, vapor, mofettes, air, gas
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