The choice between case and postposition marking of landmark in expressing location in Bashkir
Ronko R. V. Konkurentsiya mezhdu
padezhnym iposlelozhnym oformleniyem oriyentirav prostranstvennoy
zone essivav bashkirskom yazyke. Acta Linguistica
Petropolitana. 284.
The paper describes two types of marking
of landmark in Bashkir. Bashkir has two ways of expressing
location: a landmark with the locative case marker and a landmark
with a spatial postposition. The choice among two possibilities
depends on some semantic features. The main goal of the paper is to
analyze the choice between thеse constructions. The data were
collected using a special questionnaire which was developed for the
research of spatial relations of the world’s languages [Bowerman,
Pederson 1992] and using additional elicitation. As a result, a
competition area of these two ways of landmark expression was
found. The choice of the type of landmark marking within this area
depends on the properties of situation which are described in the
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