ISSN: 2306-5737E-ISSN: 2658-4069
Acta Linguistica Petropolitana
Transactions of the Institute for Linguistic Studies
ISSN: 2306-5737E-ISSN: 2658-4069
Acta Linguistica Petropolitana
Transactions of the Institute for Linguistic Studies 

Verbs of caused motion to Goal in Bashkir

Ovsyannikova M. A. Glagoly kauzatsii peremeshcheniyak tseli v bashkirskom yazyke. Acta Linguistica Petropolitana. 179.
The paper is concerned with the encoding of arguments of Bashkir verbs denoting the causation of motion of a Theme (T) to a Goal (G), e. g., ‘load’, ‘hit’, ‘cover’. With the verbs of this semantic class, three major strategies of argument encoding are attested, which are called indirective (T is encoded as direct object, G is in the Dative case), secundative (G is encoded as direct object, T is marked by the instrumental postposition menän), and tripartite (G is in the Dative case, T is marked by the postposition menän). To unearth the semantic factors that determine the usage of these three strategies, their distribution among verbs and the patterns of choice in cases of variation were analyzed. The study shows that the indirective encoding is used when, as a result of motion, the Theme takes the final position in the Goal (‘spread’, ‘wind’); the secundative encoding is associated with the high affectedness and the change of state of the Goal-participant (‘cut’, ‘wound’); the tripartite strategy is attested with the verbs that denote events in which the final position of the Theme is not specified (and usually different from G) and the Goal does not necessarily undergo the change of state (‘hit’, ‘shoot’). Based on the spread of these three strategies among verbs, it is hypothesized that for Bashkir verbs of caused motion to Goal, the spatial configuration of the event is reflected in the encoding of arguments more consistently than the affectedness of the participants.
three-place verbs, caused motion, ditransitive verbs, Bashkir, affectedness, change of state, indirective strategy, secundative strategy, tripartite strategy
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three-place verbs, caused motion, ditransitive verbs, Bashkir, affectedness, change of state, indirective strategy, secundative strategy, tripartite strategy
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