ISSN: 2306-5737E-ISSN: 2658-4069
Acta Linguistica Petropolitana
Transactions of the Institute for Linguistic Studies
ISSN: 2306-5737E-ISSN: 2658-4069
Acta Linguistica Petropolitana
Transactions of the Institute for Linguistic Studies 

Notes d'étymologie grecque

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Viredaz Rémy. Notes d'étymologie grecque. Acta Linguistica Petropolitana. 2022. 18(1): 463–484.

Some new etymologies are proposed and some older ones are elaborated on.

1. γλαυκός 'light-colored (eyes)', Myc. ka-ra-u-ko (man's name): an enlarged root *g₁leh₂u- can be dispensed with, as a derivation from *g₁elh₂- 'clear' is possible through a former Gk. *glā-kó- influenced by leukó- 'white'. Even the suffix in *glā-kóseems to reflect an influence from leukó-. — γλαύξ 'Athena's owl' (already indirectly attested in Homer by some derivatives): perhaps a truncation of *γλαύκωψ, a compound of γλαυκός presumably referring to the characteristic bright yellow circle around the owl's eyes. — γλαυσόν, γλαυρόν: corrupt glosses. — ἄγλαυρος: artificial creation after the proper name. — ἀγλᾰός 'bright, illustrious': of unknown etymology, at least the form does not support *g₁leh₂u-.

2. ἑστία 'hearth': the older form is *histiā, not *westiā: the ε is Attic only and Hesychius' γιστία is no univocal evidence of a digamma. The word is thus a derivative of ἱστός, and a shorter variant of the Mycenaean phrase i-to-we-sa e-ka-ra, presumably a hearth ((h)eskʰarā) with an upright support (histos) on which to hang a pot. Attic ε after ἐσχάρᾱ '(low) hearth'.

3. κρησίπαιδα 'parts of sacrificial animals, in Samos' (Hsch.): it is suggested that this gloss be corrected to †κρήσπεδα, literally 'head and legs'. This Ionian word would be identical to Attic κρᾱ́σπεδα 'edges of a garment', originally perhaps the edges of an animal's hide (start of the neck and legs). A root *κρη- in Greek or *kreh₁-in IE corresponding to Lat. crēscō 'grow' is not proven.

4. νεογῑλός 'newborn' (post-Homeric, as the Odyssea example is part of an interpolated passage), Myc. ki-ra 'baby girl': Bechtel's etymology comparing Lithuanian žìnd- 'suck milk' is impossible, which means that the spelling does not have to be corrected to -λλ-. It's better to build on Prellwitz' earlier suggestion and start from *g₁ih₁-ló-, which has reflexes in Armenian and Germanic as well and may have meant 'germinating, budding'.

Ancient Greek, Mycenaean, gloss, etymology, color adjective, contamination, hypocoristic, Francis' law
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Ancient Greek, Mycenaean, gloss, etymology, color adjective, contamination, hypocoristic, Francis' law
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