ISSN: 2306-5737E-ISSN: 2658-4069
Acta Linguistica Petropolitana
Transactions of the Institute for Linguistic Studies
ISSN: 2306-5737E-ISSN: 2658-4069
Acta Linguistica Petropolitana
Transactions of the Institute for Linguistic Studies 

Hittite reflexes of the PIE root *welH-

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Melchert Н. Craig. Hittite reflexes of the PIE root *welH-. Acta Linguistica Petropolitana. 2022. 18(1): 246–266.

PIE root structure is problematized by the status of so-called “root extensions” or “enlargements” root finally. The nature of the evidence for laryngeals root initially and root finally creates further difficulties both in establishing their existence and in their precise identification. The present inquiry (re)evaluates the merits of one proposed redefinition of a PIE standardly reconstructed as *CeCH(dʰ)- rather as *HCeCH(dʰ)-. The textual evidence upholds the formally attractive derivation by Kloekhorst [2008: 360] of the Hittite verb ḫulli/a- from the PIE root *welH- 'to be powerful, rule' redefined as *h₂welh₁-. The verb's genuine sense 'to defeat; to do violence to' is compatible with such an historical account. A parallel semantic development is provided by German Gewalt 'power, violence' and its derivatives. Thus, the denominal verb gewältigen is attested historically with meanings both 'to have power (over)' and 'to overcome' and 'to do violence to'. However, the existence of an extended variant *h₂welh₁-dʰ- in Anatolian remains entirely unproven. The evidence for reconstructing a verbal base *ḫult(a)- is sparse, and the only context leaves open many possibilities for its interpretation. Likewise, the meanings of its likely derivatives, (LÚ)ḫuldāla- - and ḫuldalā(i)- - as well as its possible Luwian cognates, LÚḫūwandāla- - and :ḫūwantalā(i)-, are uncertain, although they may refer to protection or guarding. Overall, there is nothing to motivate their connection with a presumed extended root *h₂welh₁-dh- 'to be powerful'.

Hittite ḫulli/a-, ḫuldāla-, ḫuldalāi-, Luvian ḫūwandāla-, *ḫūwantalā(i)-, PIE *wal-/wald(h)-, *welH(dh)-, *h2welh1(dh)-, root extensions
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Hittite ḫulli/a-, ḫuldāla-, ḫuldalāi-, Luvian ḫūwandāla-, *ḫūwantalā(i)-, PIE *wal-/wald(h)-, *welH(dh)-, *h2welh1(dh)-, root extensions
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