Randomness or regularity? Frequency and
other possible causes of grammatical speech failures in spontaneous
Zavadskaya Yu. O. Sluchaynost ili
zakonomernost? Chastotnost slovoformy i drugiye vozmozhnyye
prichiny grammaticheskikh rechevykh sboyev v russkoy spontannoy
rechi. Acta Linguistica Petropolitana. 2021. 17(1):
Oral spontaneous speech is an object of multidimensional, not
only purely linguistic, research. A full-fledged analysis of live
speech is impossible without studying such essential elements as
hesitation pauses, repetitions, breaks, etc. The inherent features
of spontaneous speech include bloopers / slips of the tongue — one
of the varieties of speech failure. Speech failures occur at
different language levels and can be divided into phonetic, lexical,
and grammatical failures. This article reviews possible causes for
grammatical speech failures in the oral spontaneous monologue of
native Russian speakers. The analysis of the material revealed that
speech failures can occur for several reasons: the priming effect
(the influence of the previous context) or the “future effect” (the
influence of the future, yet unpronounced but already mentally
prepared context); or the total frequency of a particular
grammatical form. The research is based on the Russian monological
speech corpus, created at SPBU and known as the “Balanced annotated
text library”. The user subcorpus included 111 context-based
oral speech, spontaneous speech, oral
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oral speech, spontaneous speech, oral
monologue, reservations, speech failures, grammatical reservations,