Livanova A. N., Mordashova D. D. Glagoly
padeniya v norvezhskom yazyke (bukmol). Acta Linguistica
Petropolitana. 2020. XVI(1): 152–187.
This paper deals with verbs of falling in Norwegian (Bokmål).
The study is based on the frame approach to lexical typology
developed by the Moscow lexical typology group. In accordance with
this approach, lexical units are described with regard to the
possibilities of their use in typical situations (frames), where
prototypical participants occur.
As the study shows, Norwegian has a dominant system of verbs of
falling, in which the whole set of frames is covered by one verb
(in the case of Norwegian it is the verb falle). The
dominant verb has a fairly wide network of synonyms, which consists
mainly of expressive verbs. Among them, there is a subgroup of
lexemes that convey a sound which a falling object produces when it
reaches a solid surface. There is also a number of onomatopoeic
verbs describing light objects falling from above in the air or
describing the fall of large masses of liquids. A separate small
group is made up of so-called meteorological verbs denoting
On the periphery of the semantic domain of falling there are
verbs marking a change from normal vertical position of floating
objects to horizontal or vertical (and some other verbs). Of
particular interest are cases of the development of ‘falling’
semantics for verbs that are etymologically related to other
meanings (for instance, ‘roll’) or have a different basic meaning
in modern Norwegian (‘trickle’, ‘slam, punch’).
verbs of falling, Norwegian, lexical typology,
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