Klyucheva M. A. Nekotoryye churaniya
(formuly‐vosklitsaniya) v mariyskikh dogonyalkakh. Acta
Linguistica Petropolitana. 169–197.
Catch-up games are the most common and well-known children games
where one tries to catch other players running away from the
catcher. In some variations of this game, the catcher is to slap
someone with his/her palm and voice a specific formula word, thus
passing his/her role over to the affected player. Such words are
often asemantic in nature and only occur in games (as a rule,
locally) so that many of them never find their way into fundamental
dictionaries. This paper is devoted to such exclamations in Mari
(Hill and Meadow). The article discusses seven exclamation formulas
(ӓvək, potak, pašteŋge, n’am,
l’apa, lapash, čaj) and their genesis in
Mari, taking into account the game culture of the neighboring
communities speaking Turkic, Finno-Ugric or Russian languages.
Apart from these exclamations, Mari catch-up games involve
exclamations like čondi, čurik, čurčur,
čura, čur nevada (< rus. čur ne
vada), čurnya (< rus. čur ne ya)
considered in an earlier paper by the same author on hide-and-seek
games in Mari [Klyucheva 2022]. The present paper continues it in
terms of the methodology, material and research strategy used. The
research is based on a wide range of sources including academic and
popular publications on the Mari language, folklore and ethnography
texts, archival materials and recent field data, as well as works
of fiction published in Mari, etc. As most of these are not
captured by the existing dictionaries, this research contributes to
the studies of Mari vocabulary. The paper reveals a high level of
linguistic and cultural interaction in the Ural-Volga region. The
processes of lexical borrowing from other languages are often
accompanied by semantic bleaching, typical of child language and
game folklore. The paper also discovers that exclamation formulas
in catch-up games in Mari usually contain food terms and words
denoting soiling. The vocabulary of catch-up games is also related
to the vocabulary of other outdoor games like hide-and-seek and
various games with sticks.
child language, dialecticism, Mari language,
Finno-Ugric languages, Turkic languages, folk games, catch-up
games, game folklore, regional vocabulary, desemantization,
etymology, language contact
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