ISSN: 2306-5737E-ISSN: 2658-4069
Acta Linguistica Petropolitana
Transactions of the Institute for Linguistic Studies
ISSN: 2306-5737E-ISSN: 2658-4069
Acta Linguistica Petropolitana
Transactions of the Institute for Linguistic Studies 

Yattuka and Tuwali Ifugao hudhud: Yattuka, Keley-I, and Tuwali Ifugao interference

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Klimenko S. B., Stanyukovich M. V. Khudkhud narodov yattuka i tuvali ifugao: interferentsiya mezhdu yattuka, keley-i i tuvali ifugao. Acta Linguistica Petropolitana. 585.
The hudhud — epic genre in the Ifugao province of Northern Luzon — is sung in at least three languages: two Central Cordilleran languages — Tuwali Ifugao and Amganad Ifugao — and one Southern Cordilleran language — Yattuka. There have been numerous claims that Tuwali hudhud texts employ elements from one or more Southern Cordilleran languages. The paper attempts to address the following questions: (i) which Southern Cordilleran language do these elements come from — Keley-i, Yattuka, or both; (ii) is there any linguistic evidence of Southern Cordilleran origin of hudhud genre; (iii) are there elements borrowed from Tuwali in Yattuka hudhud? These issues are approached through examination of possible grammatical and lexical borrowings in several hudhud texts in Tuwali and Yattuka. The major findings include a limited amount of grammatical interference both in Yattuka and Tuwali texts and a more conspicuous number of lexical borrowings in Tuwali texts, although a minor number of Tuwali borrowings is also present in Yattuka texts.
Ifugao, Yattuka, Philippines, epic, interference, hudhud
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Ifugao, Yattuka, Philippines, epic, interference, hudhud
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