ISSN: 2306-5737E-ISSN: 2658-4069
Acta Linguistica Petropolitana
Transactions of the Institute for Linguistic Studies
ISSN: 2306-5737E-ISSN: 2658-4069
Acta Linguistica Petropolitana
Transactions of the Institute for Linguistic Studies 

Expressing possession in Tabasaran

Bogomolova N. K. Vyrazheniye posessivnykh otnosheniyv tabasaranskom yazyke. Acta Linguistica Petropolitana. 536.
Tabasaran (Nakh-Daghestanian) features three main constructions to described possession: the dative, locative, and genitive constructions. The dative and locative constructions represent constructions with an external possessor. The possessor in the genitive construction behaves as an attributive modifier in most cases. However, when expressing inaliable possession, the genitive forms a separate NP and does not constitute a single NP with the possessee, thus showing the syntactic behavior characteristic of external possessors. In addition, Tabasaran has a system of verbal person markers also used to denote possession. The paper describes semantic and syntactic parameters that determine the interpretation of verbal possessive markers.
Tabasaran, possession, external possessor, verbal possessive markers
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Tabasaran, possession, external possessor, verbal possessive markers
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