Usage of predicative affixes in Bashkir
Semin A. V. Upotrebleniye affiksov
skazuyemostiv bashkirskom yazyke. Acta Linguistica
Petropolitana. 353.
The article adresses the predicative
affixes of the Bashkir language — a group of affixes sometimes
added to non-verbal predicates in Bashkir. The research showed that
the affixes can be added to predicates differing in lexical
category, syntactic complexity and presence/absence of other
grammatical suffixes. The first and second person predicative
affixes are used optionally, at least when there is an expressed
subject in a sentence. The first and second person singular affixes
are apparently used with predicates of any type. The usage of the
first and second person plural affixes is restricted in some cases.
The affix -lar is possibly considered in the paradigm as a third
person plural predicative affix.
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